Monday, August 30, 2010

Me in 15 Words....

Okay, so my English teacher gave my class an assignment where we had to describe ourselves in 15 words, and frankly in my opinion that is impossible. So as i'm listening to the teacher and thinking at the sametime (yeah, i know, i'm multi challenged, wait no!  i'm a multi tasker) my friend, Freddi Shawn, gives me a paper saying that she wants me to describe her in 15 words and this is what i write....

"funny, sifi nerd, secrect ninja (like me), and then there are somthings you just can't begin to describe of Freddi Shawn. :) there are random things and then there are .....semi-normal things." 

well, she liked it of course, especially the ninja part. :) love ya Freddi Shawn. 

First day of school was a mess! room #'s were wrong and some teachers were late. it was just a terrible mess. :( and i've already found a class i hate. (funny joke below)

Haha! that sound like my dad. :) 
there is one thing that i love so far, which is being an IT aid. and i can't wait for drama tech tomorrow!!

My friend gave me this song to hear and i think it is the most wonderful song and it is so sweet. :) it comforts me that you can fall in love with someone who is not exactly the perfect prince charming and that it is vice versa (haha i'm not exactly the most beautiful girl in the world) :) but yeah it is cute. 

oh there is one more song that i like that i want to share.... (the vid is a little weird so ignore it.)

Me in 15 Words and what my friends wrote:
Lily (flower)
Random singing
Milk Chocolate <3

What my friends wrote...
a.k.a. Chuck Norris
Not Cosmo
Lover of "Walking Aides"
Doctor Who enthusiast
Midnight Breeze...

The melancholy tune of a person off sugar

"Brownies, and Ice Cream, and Chocolate, OH PLEASE!!!"  for a whole year i am not allowed yummy sweets (or really fattening stuff) and it is tormenting me! it started a week ago when i started to exercise with my Muter and i don't think i have been the same ever since. :(

The sadness is deep with in me....and in the pit of my poor sweetless tummy. the only thing i can look forward to is the sweet i'm allowed once a week, and then i'm not even allowed much of it.

i LOVE chocolate. i love milk chocolate better though. but the best milk chocolate i have ever tasted was when my sister got French chocolate....mmmm, it just melts in your hand if you hold for too long and it melts in your mouth without you having to suck on it at all. :) it is heavenly.

thats it for today of my moneing and groaning for sweet, wonderful, yummy foods.

School's starting got to go!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

School just hit me in the face

boy, oh boy, oh boy! THE day before school......any coments. no. there are no words to express the deep sadness in my heart....and my head. i love learning but the whole ritual of school is just dumb. haveing a schedule you have to follow, and the darn assingments you didn't choose; everything is just planed out for you.

 the dream learning experience is where you can learn what you want to learn (of course get all your general classes done) and just study! there are so many languages i want to learn because i'm going to travel, ALL over the world. i'm not rich but i'm still going to do it; i've kinda already started. i've been to Virgina, Canada (Niagra Falls), New York, St. George(UT), Washington D.C., etc. it has all mostly been in the states but someday i'm goin' to Africa, China, Taiwan, Hawaii, France, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, and so many more!

I'm not, not looking forward to seeing some people. Ugh! i hope, and hope! there will be no drama this year! save me the agony! the people who are just really annoying and they think they are in your group of friends but really they just shoved their way in, we don't even do anything with them! and then there are the people who will not get off their butts and do something instead of just playing with their hair and gossiping. oh. and the people who just ruin your school year because they decide to add another stupid school rule to add to your misery!

The only thing that is getting me through school right now is that i'm going to leave in one more year! and i will not have to see the annoying people or the dumb, hypocritical administrators of the school. (Yes!)

But there is one plus at my school. you don't have to worry a bout what to wear every day. i mean sure i wish i could wear my normal cloths but having uniforms does have it's up's.
These are not my schools uniforms but i love not having to worry about what i'm going to wear the next day. but the only thing that stinks is my school will not allow the girls to wear pants!