Monday, August 30, 2010

The melancholy tune of a person off sugar

"Brownies, and Ice Cream, and Chocolate, OH PLEASE!!!"  for a whole year i am not allowed yummy sweets (or really fattening stuff) and it is tormenting me! it started a week ago when i started to exercise with my Muter and i don't think i have been the same ever since. :(

The sadness is deep with in me....and in the pit of my poor sweetless tummy. the only thing i can look forward to is the sweet i'm allowed once a week, and then i'm not even allowed much of it.

i LOVE chocolate. i love milk chocolate better though. but the best milk chocolate i have ever tasted was when my sister got French chocolate....mmmm, it just melts in your hand if you hold for too long and it melts in your mouth without you having to suck on it at all. :) it is heavenly.

thats it for today of my moneing and groaning for sweet, wonderful, yummy foods.

School's starting got to go!

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