Sunday, September 5, 2010

Language: Chinese (Mandarin)

I'm taking Chinese this year and i am sooo excited and happy! the language is cool but also confusing. :) few days ago we (the other people who are taking Chinese), had this lady come to help us with questions we have and/or teach us. i think we learned about the alphabet and their pronunciation it was very confusing to me but i still loved it.

I got my Chinese name! it s cool, it is Baí lìlì (白莉莉). when the lady saw that my name was the flower (Lily) she gave me the name they call the Lily flowers in Chinese. the Lily flower is my favorite and when i was little i wished that people would say when they saw my name, "your name is like the flower. that is a strong name, it has a lot of meaning." or something like that.

this is a Lily of the valley and the one below is a Lily flower in a pinkish color.

Language of flowers

One time when i was interested in the language of flowers and i looked up the meaning of the Lily flower and the Lily of the Valley flower. i learned that the Lily flower in white means purity, in scarlet or pinkish it means High-souled aspirations, and in orange it means Desire, passion. The Lily of the Valley means Trustworthy and i thought to myself that these are all strong, nice and great meanings and i have the same name! that made me happy. :)

I know some chinese words. :) 
thank you is Xièxiè (谢谢), 
cute is Kěài (可爱), 
sorry is Bàoqiàn (抱歉), 
yes is Shì de (是的), 
no is Méiyǒu (没有), 
mom is  Māmā (妈妈), 
dad is Bà (爸),
grandpa is Yéye (爷爷),
grandma is Nǎinai (奶奶)

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